This book is the best. Rhonda you will love it. Quotes from it"The best teachers are like that. They don't teach you how to do things exactly the way they do;they teach you how to be your best self" " In his faith that beauty reveals itself, layer upon layer; in the smallest moments in truth beauty truth" "The most important things in a friendship didn't have to be said out loud"" If everyone were fair,you wouldn't need anyone to be brave". I can go on and on get this book already this quote is me totally" When you saw different parts of the world , you saw different parts of yourself. And when you stayed home,where it was safe,those parts of yourself also stayed hidden"
This one opens with perfect quote for all kids. "To be nobody but your self in a world which is doing its best,night and day,to make you everybody else means to fight the hardest battle which any human being can fight; and never stop fighting." HOOAH
This author is different but his quote on marriage gets you thinking" You could try dumping the poison back down into abandoned underground mines, but it had a way of seeping into the water table. It really was a lot like the deep shit that got stirred up when a married couple fought:once certain things had been said,how could they ever be forgotten again?
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